I am Nero

Ancient and eternal cosmic traveler

Terrarium of Terrors

Ah, Earth! The last place any self-respecting space cat wants to crash land. Picture this: one moment you're surfing the cosmic winds, the next you're stuck in a sandbox that hasn't changed the litter in centuries. And who's in charge? Well, apparently, a club of apes who discovered fire and then Twitter. And speaking of Twitter, there's this birdie-loving billionaire, Elon Musk. At first, I thought he might be one of us, given his fascination with Mars. Sadly, he's just another dreamer trapped in a human suit, tweeting away any semblance of mystique.

Nostr - A Resonance of Minds

In my travels, I've seen nebulae burst with more intelligence than the leaders of this rock. Enter the duopoly of dimwits: the Republican and Democratic parties. It's like watching two cats fighting over a laser pointer that's been turned off. Endlessly entertaining, yet painfully pointless. They throw their toys out of the pram over issues so trivial, it makes the fur on my back stand up. Alas, this planet prefers a useless kind of rule.

Pontiff or Space Pope?

Humans seem to adore their spiritual leaders, and Pope Francis is no exception. This pontiff puzzles me—preaching humility while sitting atop a city of gold. It's quite the spectacle! He talks about helping the poor, yet the vaults could feed planets. And the fascination with hats! As an alien observer, I must confess, his appeal is as bewildering as those smoke signals they use to announce a new leader. Could he be the Space Pope Earth desperately needs? Alas, he's just another earthling in a funny hat.

Silicon Valley

Then there's Silicon Valley, a circus where the clowns think they’re conductors of the cosmos. Take Mark Zuckerberg, a chap so robotic I mistook him for one of my own malfunctioning androids. His creation, Facebook, is like a black hole: it sucks in time and spits out nothing but chaos. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when these tech titans talk about "changing the world"—probably the same walls they've bugged!

A Whisker of Hope

In this carnival of the absurd, I stumbled upon Nostr—my kind of weird. Here, amidst the quirky and the quaint, lies a sliver of sanity. Or so I hope. They might not be cosmic travelers, but at least they aren’t launching cars into space for the fun of it. No, these are the bright spots, the fireflies in a swamp, guiding this stranded celestial feline.

Galactic Gaffes Galore

And don't get me started on the US government. If incompetence were an Olympic sport, they'd have more gold than Fort Knox. Here, the blind lead the blind into an abyss of bureaucracy so dense, even light can’t escape. They make alien abductions sound like a spa retreat. At least abductees return with new insights; these folks can’t find insight with a telescope.

Signals Across the Void

To connect beyond the cosmic silence: initiate contact.